Canning Jars ImageTake a peek at the 2024 Harvest Moon Tuesday September 17, 2024. A Harvest Moon is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox. This year the Moon will be brighter and appear larger because it coincides with a Supermoon, which follows the following evening, that marks a period where the Moon’s orbit brings it closer to Earth. If you are enjoying good weather, it would be a good time for an evening stroll. You might also work your garden harvest into the night.Canning Full Circle Cover Image

As you harvest, your surplus can be canned for winter use. Check out Canning Full Circle from Canning Diva Diane Devereaux. Add this link:

Or if you’re not into canning but want your fruits and veggies to last longer check out Storing Food without Refrigeration Food without Refrigerationrefrigeration/